
June 26th 2023 – April 1st 2024



Psychedelics and
the New Coaching

Psychedelics are an evolutionary catalyst for personal growth. Their combined neurological and psycho-spiritual effects rapidly transform lives every day.

Now, by harnessing the incredible power of psychedelics, we aim to revolutionize the coaching paradigm.

Mindfully integrating psychedelic medicines into a high-performance coaching methodology will be nothing short of a game-changer for those who can do it well.

With this ultimate toolkit to help clients move through patterns of resistance, emotional blockages, and limiting beliefs, properly trained coaches will gain the ability to create breakthrough results faster and with greater alignment between mind, body, and spirit.

This is an opportunity to be a part of a movement that will change lives.

Join us on the leading edge of human potential.
Become a Third Wave Certified Coach.

Training at the
Forefront of a
Cultural Phenomenon

Psychedelic medicines are more accessible than ever before. Legalization movements are rapidly gaining traction. Cultural acceptance is steadily growing. The interest is there. The healing potential is exponential.

We know this because Third Wave is at the forefront of the movement. Each month, we have over 250K visitors to our site, each wanting to learn more about the benefits of psychedelics and how they can be applied in their lives.

As more and more people awaken to the transformational potential of psychedelic medicines, trusted guidance is more important than ever. People from all walks of life, and with a wide range of goals, need help to navigate this space and realize their potential.

The challenge?

There are just not enough trained professionals to help them all.

That’s why Third Wave created this one-of-a-kind certification program.

We want to make sure that we can provide our community with the highest caliber coaches who fully understand how to teach the skill of psychedelics.

There is a massive opportunity here for coaches, and we want to both nurture the wisdom and ensure the integrity of the medicine.

Who Is This
Certification For?

Third Wave Certification is both for established coaches who want to add psychedelic work into their existing frameworks and new coaches who want to begin a career in psychedelics.

It’s ideal for coaches committed to helping clients achieve a broad range of non-clinical outcomes – from those working on the forefront of human potential, peak performance, executive training, and leadership development, to those focused on health and wellness, life coaching, spiritual coaching, and beyond.

This certification is for coaches interested in both microdosing and macrodosing protocols.

We will screen applicants for coaching experience or the skills and traits needed to make a great psychedelic coach.

Please note: this is not a clinical program. It is not suited for individuals who want to work with PTSD, clinical depression, psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy, or other clinical conditions.

the Skill
of Psychedelics

Psychedelic medicines are less like a typical Western medicine and more like a holistic development tool. Like any tool, they can be used masterfully or recklessly.

This certification program is designed to help you master the skill of psychedelics at the highest level so you can make a transformational impact in your clients’ lives as well as your own.



Theory, Intensive,
and Practicum

The program is organized into 4 containers. Each one holds a different role in your training and growth.

  • 12 weeks of classes covering the theoretical side
  • 6 day intensive retreat in Costa Rica to bring greater embodiment
  • Medicine Ceremony in Costa Rica
  • 3-month, 50 hour practicum to ground theory into practice

Every other week, you get a deep dive into a core topic, followed by a Q&A with Paul F. Austin. Informed by Third Wave’s five-pillar psychedelic coaching framework, you will get comprehensive training on topics ranging from safety and ethics, working with different medicines, and types of psychedelic coaching to outcomes of psychedelic work and how to ground breakthroughs into lasting change.

Over the course of the program, you will get twelve in-depth workshops with our guest experts. Each of our teachers is a leader in their field. Some of the topics we will cover include: high performance coaching methods; using psychedelics for both healing and growth; psychedelics and biohacking; functional medicine and the role of diet and nutrition in achieving personal outcomes; how microdosing can help spur creativity and flow; transforming from the inside out; psychedelics for empathy, communication, and teambuilding; entrepreneurship and psychedelics; complementary practices; holistic health; and more.

During these sessions, you will meet with your pre-assigned pod group and a designated facilitator to help integrate the teaching material through reflection, discussion, and application. Expect to form close relationships with your group. These sessions may include guided group conversations, breathwork, and other facilitated practices to support your growth.

Our goal is not to give you an abstract theoretical framework. Psychedelic work is dynamic. The principles of the work must be embodied, not memorized. Repetition, reflection, and application are essential to this process. That’s why, in addition to small-group work, individual coaching, and teaching sessions, you get weekly assignments and exercises to move this knowledge into practice.

Join your cohort on an online Conscious Cannabis Ceremony led by our intuitive and experienced facilitator, and specially designed to help set the stage and create group cohesion.

Explore how to integrate psychedelics with cutting-edge tools such as breathwork, cold therapy, meditation, neurofeedback, and more

Third Wave strives to stay on the cutting edge of psychedelic research and findings. Our ever-evolving integration methods are a culmination of all the expertise, data, and personal experiences of our team.

During this program, you will be trained in research-based psychedelic integration methods that we teach to our partners at leading intensives and clinics.

Discover how to design custom protocols with microdosing and macrodosing specific to your clients’ goals.

After completing the theoretical portion of this program, you enter into a 50 hour practicum to ground your new skills into embodied knowledge. This practice period, which will run over three months, will feature hands-on workshops to help you turn theory into practice while providing you with the time you need to complete 50 hours of psychedelic-related coaching. You can think of it as an internship, where you gain real world experience to work with either actual clients or friends and family, in an organization or setting of your choice.

Third Wave will support you in this process and offer introductions to organizations in our network. There are many opportunities and options available, which we will discuss in depth in the certification training.

Program Content

The program content will teach you how psychedelic medicines and modalities can be used to achieve optimal well-being, peak performance, and successful leadership. Through that lens, we will explore a range of themes, including:


Setting the Stage

A framework for the Third Wave of psychedelics


Safety, Ethics, & Integrity

Ethical practices, ethical sourcing, and creating safe spaces


Working With Medicines

How they operate with the body, mind and spirit


Types of Psychedelic Coaching

Frameworks specific to psychedelic medicines and customizing for your own work


Outcomes of Psychedelic Work

How to achieve predictable results with an outcome-based approach


Building Your Business

Practical training on building a reliable and legally protected coaching business


Discovery Calls/Assessing Client Readiness

How to ask valuable questions for assessing client readiness, set and setting, and practices for harm reduction


Preparing for Ceremony

The Role of Intuition While Preparing for Ceremony


Holding Space

Transference and Setting Boundaries


Integrating Ceremony

Supporting practices that can help you create sustainable results for your clients


Microdosing Coaching

Choosing a Protocol, Refining Dosage


Accessibility and Representation

Sacred justice and equity in the psychedelic space



Live 6-day

November 7-12 2023




This six-day immersive is the turning point of the entire program. It brings together everything you learned so far into a single transformational event.

The purpose of the intensive is direct psychedelic medicine experience in the context of connection, including:

  • Personal experience with psychedelic medicine*
  • Daily yoga and meditation
  • Temazcal (sweat lodge) ceremony
  • Hands-on leadership training
  • Team building
  • In-person coaching
  • Fully catered meals


Similar intensives typically cost about $5,000 and include only a fraction of the experiential modalities we have lined up for you. The entire intensive is included in your program tuition.*

*We will also provide an option to upgrade your room accommodations on a first-come, first-served basis.

All you have to do is get yourself there.

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Brave Earth (La Fortuna/Arenal), is a community, regenerative farm,and healing arts center based in northern Costa Rica.

Here amidst the jungle, thermal pools, and cloud forest, we have the opportunity to dive deeper into our work as psychedelic coaches and facilitators, as we evolve new ways of living, serving, and growing.

Your Coaching Certification tuition includes accommodation and meals for this once-in-a-lifetime experience.


We are committed to providing a safe live-event experience for everyone in accordance with the latest COVID-19 health guidelines. We will take every precaution to make sure this is a safe, inclusive, and positive experience for all participants.


Working with psychedelics requires direct knowledge. It is essential that you understand your clients’ experiences in the context of our coaching framework, so the intensive is mandatory.

Contact us if you have a scheduling conflict and cannot attend.



Have complete clarity on how to integrate psychedelics into your current coaching methods and evolve your practice to catalyze positive change in the world.


Cultivate mastery in the skill of psychedelics and how to apply the appropriate medicines to help your clients achieve differential results–whether they want to heal, recover, achieve optimal well-being, rediscover their purpose, tap into latent creativity, or lay a foundation for a new form of leadership.


Understand the benefits and risks of different psychedelic medicines, the impact of different dosages and timings, and how to best leverage them for your clients’ needs.


Experience exactly how high-performance methods interact with psychedelics so you can guide your clients with confidence and empathy.


Develop a toolkit of multiple modalities to break through patterns of resistance, emotional blockages, and limiting beliefs.


Discover the complex interplay of body, mind, and spirit with psychedelic medicines and how to address them holistically with targeted supporting practices.


Understand the nuance of coaching psychedelic use in the context of entrepreneurship and how to create safe spaces, reduce harm, and navigate the evolving legal landscape.


Ground theoretical knowledge, scientific research, and practical insights into the integration process to create sustainable, long-term results for your clients.


Turn theory into practice with access to proven intake practices and marketing approaches.

Program Fees


Early-bird: $12,500

From April 10th: $14,000

The next Cohort will begin June 26, 2023

This includes the all-expenses paid 6 day immersion in Costa Rica (not including travel) and a featured placement in our directory (for those who meet criteria) to help drive leads to your business.

You can reserve your chance to get a spot in the program by paying a $2,500 USD deposit today. (approx €2.400)

Please note that your deposit does not guarantee admittance to the program.

If you are not admitted for any reason, your deposit will be refunded in full.

Meet your instructors
and guides

Our instructors are all recognized leaders in their respective fields, with extensive experience in high performance coaching. Few of these luminaries offer this high level of training outside their private client work. With their combined training, you receive an unparalleled and comprehensive education.


Paul F. Austin

Founder of Third Wave and lead instructor for the certification program, Paul is a 21st century pioneer of responsible use of psychedelics for healing, leadership, and personal transformation. He has been featured in Rolling Stone, the New York Times, and WebMD for his work amplifying awareness around the benefits of microdosing psychedelics. He is a sought-after public speaker and coach as well as the author of the book “Mastering Microdosing: How to use sub-perceptual psychedelics to heal trauma, improve performance, and transform your life”.

Core Facilitators

Participants connect in small pods of 12 students under the guidance of one of our core facilitators. Your facilitator will help guide each bi-weekly integration session.

Marie Mbouni, M.D.

Dr. Marie Mbouni is a consciousness coach, shaman, energy healer, and speaker who started out in Western medicine as an anesthesiologist with the intention of bringing peace and healing to people. After years of working grueling hours at the expense of her personal relationships and her health, Marie embraced a new path and turned her focus toward healing people on a spiritual and energetic level, and mentoring others on a similar path to enlightenment.

Jen Andrulli

Jen Andrulli is Yup’ik and Siberian Yupik a member of Too Naaleł Denh/Manley Hot Springs Tribe with patrilineal ties to Matera, Italy. Born into a family of traditional healers/medicine people, Jen was trained since childhood to be a bridge between ak’allaq cali nutarau (the old ways and the new). She currently lives and works in Ts’inantu on the traditional lands of the Kahtnuht’ana, Dena’ina in Southcentral Alaska. Jen is a co-founder and director of Traditions in Healing. We work with individuals, families, and communities to anchor awareness with practical applications promoting vitality and resilience. Blending traditional and contemporary techniques to access consciousness and sustain remembering.

Lauren Mugglebee

Lauren Mugglebee is an executive, leadership and transformational coach. Prior to coaching she spent two decades developing technical products and leading global teams for Facebook, Instagram, OpenTable and Ticketmaster. She pairs inquiry and non ordinary states of consciousness to help leaders achieve radical awareness and presence. A US native and British Citizen, she currently lives with her partner and young daughters in Northern California where she reads, teaches, and holds retreats for engaging emergence.

Guest Faculty

A psychoanalyst, executive coach, author, and Harvard-trained philosopher, Peter Carnochan

A psychoanalyst, executive coach, author, and Harvard-trained philosopher, Peter Carnochan, Ph.D. has spent the last 30 years helping clients unknot problematic feelings, solve challenges, and develop more resilient and expansive modes of living. He is one of the most highly-regarded executive coaches in Silicon Valley and brings a deep, philosophical perspective to both psychedelics and coaching.

Dave Burns is a transformational coach, angel investor, and essayist. With a background in

Dave Burns is a transformational coach, angel investor, and essayist. With a background in relational work, partnered meditation, mindful business training, and classical philosophy, his work today centers around the interplay between ancient wisdom and modern practicality. A very happy husband, he lives in Austin, Texas with his wife, where he practices tea ceremony and classical cello.

Dr. David Rabin is one of the leading minds of the psychedelic renaissance. He is a neuroscientist

Dr. David Rabin is one of the leading minds of the psychedelic renaissance. He is a neuroscientist, board-certified psychiatrist, health tech entrepreneur, and inventor. He is also a practitioner of ketamine assisted psychotherapy (KAP) and is trained in MDMA assisted psychotherapy.

Douglas Rushkoff is the host of the Team Human podcast and author of Team Human as well as a

Douglas Rushkoff is the host of the Team Human podcast and author of Team Human as well as a dozen other bestselling books on media, technology, and culture, including, Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus: How Growth Became the Enemy of Prosperity, Present Shock, Program or Be Programmed, Media Virus, and the novel Ecstasy Club. He is Professor of Media Theory and Digital Economics at CUNY/Queens. He wrote the graphic novels Aleister & Adolf, Testament, and A.D.D., and made the television documentaries Generation Like, Merchants of Cool, The Persuaders, and Digital Nation. He lives in New York, and lectures about media, society, and economics around the world.

Dr. “Eva” Katherine Coder is a trauma therapist, transpersonal psychologist, spiritual guide

Dr. “Eva” Katherine Coder is a trauma therapist, transpersonal psychologist, spiritual guide, and teacher. Eva Katherine invites people to realize and express their full divine-humanness to themselves, in relationship, and in community. She works through co-creating evolutionary containers for growth with her clients. She is the creator of the OINOS Temple, a five-element initiatory immersion. Her specialties include trauma resolution, deep feminine cultivation, elemental medicine and psychospiritual integration. Eva Katherine’s transformative work connects body, mind, and Spirit to allow people to integrate at a profound level and live from their true essence. She is the author of After the Ceremony Ends, a guidebook for visionary plant medicine integration.

Geo Hanzlik is an executive and transformational coach based in New York City who supports

Geo Hanzlik is an executive and transformational coach based in New York City who supports high-impact entrepreneurs in integrating their emotions, natural gifts, and purpose with a grounded, concrete strategy to execute their vision in the world. Geo is also a senior expert at Neuberg Gore & Associates, an executive coaching firm dedicated to developing the next generation of leaders in start-ups.

Dan Peterson is a lawyer and entheogenic practitioner. He is a co-founder of The Association of

Dan Peterson is a lawyer and entheogenic practitioner. He is a co-founder of The Association of Entheogenic Practitioners and frequently consults on the blurry line between “drugs” and sacred medicine used in a religious context. Dan gives us a necessary perspective so we can all protect ourselves and our businesses as we navigate the complex evolving legal status of psychedelics in the US.

Hanifa Nayo Washington is the Co-founder and Chief of Strategy of Fireside Project and the

Hanifa Nayo Washington is the Co-founder and Chief of Strategy of Fireside Project and the Co-Founder and Principal Organizer of One Village Healing. She is a social entrepreneur, sacred activist, digital designer, and healing justice practitioner with 20 years of nonprofit leadership. Hanifa, an equity and belonging facilitator, reiki master practitioner, musician, and creative, works at the intersection of mindfulness, place-making, and social justice to cultivate organizations, gatherings, spaces, and experiences rooted in the values of beloved community.

Natasja Pelgrom is a visionary leader and mystical mentor and the founder of Awaken The Medicine

Natasja Pelgrom is a visionary leader and mystical mentor and the founder of Awaken The Medicine Within, retreats and programs that support people with psycho-spiritual approaches since 2017. Natasja is a highly intuitive guide and has held training, assisting, and facilitation roles in over 800 psychedelic ceremonies. Natasja was a founding member of the Synthesis Institute and the director of the psilocybin-assisted Wellness retreats. As a key curator of retreat programs, she oversaw the retreat team development and training. She currently advises and supervises executives in the (psychedelic) wellness industry. Natasja is also a mentor to leaders, coaches, therapists, and/or space holders, where she focuses on the mind, and heart coherence to prosper in their Self-leadership. Natasja’s multifaceted mentorship approach is paired with 20+ years of entrepreneurial experience.

Dr. Amy Albright has played at the highest levels of executive coaching and strategic advising

Dr. Amy Albright has played at the highest levels of executive coaching and strategic advising to VPs and CEOs in companies ranging in valuation from $10M to $2B. She also has a doctorate in acupuncture and Chinese medicine. Dr. Amy understands the practical intersection of holistic health, neurosciences, and leadership, coaching leaders into highly-aware peak performers.

Through her signature Mastermind Programs and Plant Medicine Retreats, Laura Dawn weaves together

Through her signature Mastermind Programs and Plant Medicine Retreats, Laura Dawn weaves together science with ancient wisdom. She teaches business and thought-leaders, entrepreneurs, and creative professionals how to mindfully explore psychedelics and sacred plant medicines as powerful visionary tools for inner transformation, fostering emotional resiliency, and unlocking new depths to our creative potential.

Through mindset, somatic coaching, and plant medicine integration, she inspires leaders to align body, mind, and heart to get unstuck and take centered action in alignment with a deeper sense of purpose to influence meaningful change.

Retreat Team

Ben Greenfield is a top-tier human performance consultant, speaker and New York Times bestselling

Ben Greenfield is a top-tier human performance consultant, speaker and New York Times bestselling author of 17 books. His work focus on creating fully optimized life in an astonishing variety of topics, including: body and brain performance, fat loss, digestion, sleep, hormone, anti-aging, parenting, sex, relationships, spiritual practices, smart drugs, nootropics and, of course, psychedelics.

Keith Ferrazzi is an entrepreneur and renowned global thought leader in the future of work and

Keith Ferrazzi is an entrepreneur and renowned global thought leader in the future of work and leadership. As Founder and Chairman of Ferrazzi Greenlight and its research institute Go Forward to Work, he works with some of the world’s most prominent organizations to maximize team performance and achieve extraordinary outcomes. Formerly, he was the CMO of Deloitte and Starwood Hotels. Keith is a #1 New York Times best selling author of Who’s Got Your Back, Never Eat Alone, and Leading Without Authority. His 20 year history of coaching c-suite executive teams has made him an agent of transformation and among the world’s greatest and most sought after coaches.

Jared joined the Third Wave team on the heels of working on the Tony Robbins business development

Jared joined the Third Wave team on the heels of working on the Tony Robbins business development team through the pandemic. After a personal, profound psychedelic experience Jared felt a calling to focus his energy on helping advance the psychedelic movement. By happenstance, he met Paul in Bozeman, Montana, and soon after joined the team. Jared’s strength in heart-centered enrollment coupled with the existing team’s efforts exponentially increased our ability to reach individuals and have them join us on our mission.

Lily Eggers is a California licensed psychotherapist and relationship coach with a Degree in

Lily Eggers is a California licensed psychotherapist and relationship coach with a Degree in Somatic Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies. She has been working clinically with individuals and couples for over 10 years and has been exploring her own consciousness and human potential since age 15 when she walked on fire and realized there’s a LOT more to learn and grow in life than most people are aware of. She’s a seasoned psychonaut and offers preparation, integration and journey work individually and in groups. Lily lives with her husband and two children in Marin County, California and celebrates life by dancing, riding bikes, skinny dipping, hiking in the woods, consciously exploring psychedelics, and making music. Lily’s sense of humor and down-to-earth nature will put you at ease from the very first session.



After you make your deposit, you will be automatically taken to a page to schedule a discovery call with Third Wave Admissions. The purpose of this call is to ensure you are a perfect candidate for one of our few spots. If it is not a fit for any reason, you will receive a full refund of your deposit.


Once you are approved, you will receive an email with payment instructions. You will have the option to either pay the remaining or set up a payment plan.


When you have chosen your preferred method of payment, you will get a welcome email confirming your payment. Detailed onboarding information will be sent before the first class.


Frequently Asked Questions

This certification program is specifically designed for established coaches. We want to make sure you have the business infrastructure, and understanding of your ideal client base, to put our training to use quickly. While we will provide access to our Directory, we do not offer business development support.

In addition, we do accept some students who do not yet have an existing coaching practice. These applicants will need to fill out a separate form so we can assess if they have the necessary skills and traits to be a successful psychedelic coach in the future.

No. There are no licensing or certification requirements to participate in the program.

We anticipate you will need 9-12 hours per week, or about 35-45 hours/month between classes, workshops, and assignments.

The Practicum part of the course consists of Practice Sessions and a Final Assessment, and is a requirement for graduation. This phase lasts for three months and begins after the theoretical portion of the curriculum is complete. The point of the Practicum is to ensure that you understand and can skillfully apply the Third Wave coaching methodology. The Practicum period will include additional lectures and facilitated group integration sessions separate from the main curriculum.

Practice Sessions involve you finding one or more clients to coach (we will support you in this) and logging 50 coaching sessions (either individual coaching or group sessions). One of the sessions must be recorded anonymously and will be reviewed only by authorized Third Wave staff, then deleted after graduation. More details will be sent to you closer to the Practicum phase.

The Final Assessment will consist of a 30-minute interview where you’ll discuss a high-level overview of your growth and participation in the program with a Third Wave staff member.

In addition to meeting our attendance and homework requirements, you will be required to conduct and submit for review a practice coaching session with a client (to be recorded anonymously and deleted after review), and given a final assessment after completing the training. Upon passing this assessment, you will be awarded your Third Wave Coaching Certification certificate and all the perks that go with it.

You can view details in Section 7 of the Terms and Conditions.

Participants will be expected to demonstrate consistent ethical and professional integrity. Only those graduates who demonstrate a full understanding of all course materials, receive high marks from their coach mentor on assignments, and demonstrate ongoing support for their fellow course participants will be invited to be listed on the Third Wave Directory. Invited graduates will receive six-months of premium Vetted status for their listings, at no charge, after which they will have the choice of keeping a free, verified listing, or retaining the extra features of their Vetted status, for a low monthly fee.

You can view details in Section 8 of the Terms and Conditions.

We will be closely monitoring recommended safety guidelines as we approach the event. As of now, we will require a negative COVID test to attend the event. We will not require vaccination to attend.

Yes. Should you decide a payment plan is better for you, as long as you pay the deposit to reserve your spot, you have the option to pay the remaining balance for a slightly higher fee.

Your payment plan would be 5 payments every other week, with the first payment drawn immediately upon checkout.

Life is unpredictable and we understand that sometimes things don’t work out as planned. We will approach each situation on a case-by-case basis. If you are unable to complete your practicum on time, get in contact with the certification faculty as soon as possible so we can co-create a solution together.

The practicum is an opportunity for you to pursue a field that is most resonant with your own interests. Therefore, it is your responsibility to secure your own arrangement. However, Third Wave will support you by making introductions to organizations in our network to help facilitate this process. If you are interested in completing the practicum with an organization we are not connected with, we will provide you with a letter of introduction to help negotiate the situation.

Refund policies for all Third Wave courses are outlined on our refund policy page. You can view and download the Coaching Certification Program Terms and Conditions here.

At Third Wave, we hold ourselves to the highest standards of integrity and values. Our ethics are vital to our business model. Our Ethics Pledge is published here.

The intensive is a key element of the overall experience and is required for certification. Should you not be able to attend, please contact us to see if other arrangements can be made.

Have additional questions?

We are searching for heart-centered coaches aligned with Third Wave’s mission to support and guide others on their journey working with psychedelics. If you feel you are that person but have more questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Jared, our VP of Coaching Partnerships.

Book a call with Jared