


Hidden Dangers
of Unprepared
Psychedelic Work

The truth is psychedelics are not all “love and light.” Psychedelic medicines act as “non-specific amplifiers.” They intensify what is present within your psyche. They can awaken deep wells of inspiration, love, and healing…

…but they can also amplify dysfunctional patterns, toxic stories, and victimization.

Without a strong, intentional container, psychedelic medicine can be deeply unsettling and unbalancing.

Loving, supportive, professional guidance is crucial to the process.

It helps you channel the potential of these substances towards authentic growth and healing. A coach can help focus the opening psychedelics provide to shedding your past conditioning and old patterns that no longer serve you.

Free Yourself
From Old Stories,
Beliefs, and Habits

We all have old, worn-out beliefs and self-limiting stories. Our culture feeds us programming about not being good enough unless we do or have something we don’t. We feel this as loneliness, stagnation, disconnection, or crippling self-doubt.

Freed from these limitations, you can begin to hear your inner voice with greater clarity. You can deliberately choose your values, your intentions, and habits that support what you want and who you want to become.

Psychedelics are a tool to facilitate your intentional transformation.

A Skill, Not a Magic Pill

We’ve created a structured container backed by scientific research and extensive coaching experience, but we can’t do the work for you.

We view psychedelic medicine as a skill to be honed, not a magic pill that instantly solves your problems. In other words, you get out of it what you put into it. The same rules that apply to other skills apply to psychedelics.

Take Control of
Your Personal Evolution

If you wanted to quickly learn tennis, martial arts, or any other skill you would work with a teacher.


Because feedback, mentorship, and expert guidance are the fast track to breakthroughs.

They are the most effective ways to avoid mistakes, gracefully move through unexpected challenges, and cultivate personal mastery.

Working with psychedelics is an exceptionally subtle skill, as it exposes unconscious patterns and blind spots that are difficult to recognize. A coach helps you navigate the landscape, stay on the path, and discover hidden treasures. And with their guidance, you can evolve into your own guide, your own expert, your own sage.

Our aim is to empower you to be your own greatest force for change.


Signs You May Be Ready
for Psychedelic Coaching

This program is for anyone committed to taking a bold step into:

  • Personal evolution and higher performance
  • Greater wholeness and embodied presence
  • Clarity and inspiration

This might show up in a thousand different ways. Perhaps one of these resonates?

You feel like you don’t deserve to complain, that you should “just be happy with what you have”

But you can’t…

You’ve been doing “the work,” exhausted by talking in circles and not getting anywhere with traditional coaching.

There has to be a better way…

You struggle taking action on what you KNOW you need to do in your work, relationship, health, or business…

Is something––a belief, a story, a memory––holding you back?

You’re on the hamster wheel of “working hard” endlessly chasing the next carrot––the next big contract, the promotion, that next tier of income––THEN maybe you’ll be ok.

There is a way out.

You numb yourself with sugar, netflix, social media, porn, or the dopamine fix du jour, secretly avoiding your deeper calling.

You can amplify that voice.

You just feel stagnant or stuck and need to break out of the rut into something new.


Professional Support
Every Step of the Way

Our coaches come from a variety of professional coaching backgrounds. They are successful and established coaches on their own, each one an outstanding graduate of Third Wave’s Coaching Certification Program.

We have experts in executive coaching, relationships, life coaching, peak performance, business, health and biohacking, and more. Whatever you bring into the program, you will be paired with a coach best-suited to your needs.

Our coaches are here to see you, believe in you, support you, and challenge you. They are your guide through a five-pillar transformational process towards your next, most aligned actions.

Cultivating awareness is the first step towards transformation. Only then you can begin to clearly see where you are, how you feel, what you truly need, and where you want to go.

Sustainable transformation requires relaxation. Psychedelics can bring up difficult emotions that activate the “fight, flight, or freeze” response. This blocks the transformational process. We will give you tools to help regulate your nervous system so you can move through your challenges with grace.

Motivation is not about willpower. Forget about trying to manipulate yourself into forcefully getting things done. We will help you transmute that power and energy to create a North Star that will guide and pull you toward the life you want to create.

We are social beings. We thrive in community and in relationships. Psychedelics make us more aware of our vibrant connection to others. We will work together to create new ways to enrich our relationships so you can grow together.

After exploring your most meaningful relationships with those in your immediate circle, you can think more expansively about your role in the world at large and what you can give. The world needs you.

The Nine-Week
Program Outline

This program guides you through an experience of growth and transformation with a combination of study, reflection, coaching, and (if you choose) intentional psychedelic exploration.

Each week will focus on a different topic and set of skills:


Medicines and Dosages

How to choose the right psychedelic medicine and dose for your unique needs


The Skill of Psychedelics

Learn the elements that support a transformative psychedelic experience and Third Wave’s model of personal transformation


Clarifying Your Purpose

Develop self-awareness and intentionality around your experience


Eliminating Distractions

Deepen self-awareness and optimize self-regulation as it relates to your mental, emotional, and physical well-being


Breakthrough Experience

Enter a space that facilitates having a significant experience with altered consciousness. (NOTE: Third Wave does NOT supply psychedelic medicines or encourage illegal substance use. However, you may be eligible for legal ketamine through one of our partners.)


Psychedelic Integration

Weave insights from your breakthrough experience into “regular life” in order to change your thought patterns and behaviors


Your New North Star

Hone a clear vision for the future and cultivate the appropriate motivation to generate forward momentum


Vulnerability, Accountability, and Boundaries in Relationships

Identify and enrich, from a place of wholeness and authenticity, the meaningful relationships that best support your continued evolution and the distancing or letting go of relationships that are no longer serving you


Sustaining Positive Practices

Create new habits with the practices that support your vision of the future — your personal future as well as your place and purpose in the world at large



Third Wave’s
Ultimate Guide to
Safely Sourcing Psychedelics

The single greatest challenge for most people who want to explore psychedelics is finding the medicine. But without full knowledge of what to look for, you can potentially put yourself at risk.

That’s why we decided to compile a single guide on how to safely source psychedelics.

Here’s a look at what’s inside this 80+ page guide:

  • How to find powerful plant medicines in unexpected places, from foraging to your local garden store.
  • Links to ethical retailers who legally source their medicines from Indigenous populations.
  • Little-known, inexpensive (and legal) alternatives to classic psychedelics, with virtually zero difference in the subjective effects.
  • Powerful plant combinations that can deepen and amplify any psychedelic experience.
  • Strategies on how to stay safe online.
  • Bonus resources, including some stellar recipes you’re sure to love!
  • Access to our free library of ultimate guides to almost every psychedelic medicine in the world, so you can journey with confidence (know exactly what to expect, background history, what dose to take, and contraindications).
  • And MUCH more…

Alchemize Your Wounds
and Challenges Into Gifts

Your current challenges––whatever they are––conceal a gift. Your wounds can be the source of superpowers. They can be transmuted. Intentional use of psychedelic medicines with guidance, reliable structure, and a high-integrity container can create profound transformations.

But these changes won’t happen on their own. Neither psychedelic medicines nor coaching will “fix” you. They won’t magically change your life. Ultimately, YOU are the only one who can do the work.

Coaching +
Macrodose +

This program is a synergy of proven coaching methodologies and psychedelic-medicine best practices.

The first four weeks are about preparation and clarity. Then you have an opportunity for a “breakthrough experience”. This could be transformational breathwork, a macrodose experience, or even a retreat. It will create movement and open insights.

Then the real work begins: Integration.

This can be supported with guided microdosing and loving accountability to help you integrate the insights and shifts you wish to make.

Psychedelic Coaching vs
Psychedelic-assisted Therapy

Third Wave coaches are not therapists. Psychedelic-assisted therapy focuses on healing emotional and psychological distress. The focus of a coach is to aid in personal and spiritual transformation.

A therapist helps to heal your past. A coach helps to build your future.

While the line can be blurry, we want to be clear that our coaches are not therapists––they are specially trained to guide you through a potent transformational process. If you are interested in working through indications like depression, PTSD, or addiction in a therapeutic context, please see our practitioner directory here.


So what does a
psychedelic coach actually do?

In the “Hero’s Journey,” the archetypal story of transformation, an ally shows up at the right moment. The Sage, the Advisor, the Guide. Their role is to help you to navigate your shadows, illuminate blind spots, and step more fully into your fullest potential as a human.

That is what you get in Personalized Psychedelic Coaching.

Your coach is a partner, a friend, a guide walking shoulder to shoulder with you, creating a container of love, safety, and inspiration so that you can create something new…

Whatever that means for YOU.



To apply, click the “Apply Now” button below


Make your payment


Fill out the intake form

Once you complete the intake form, we will pair you with the coach best-suited to your needs.

If for any reason we feel you are not a good fit for the program, we will contact you within 10 days and refund your full payment.


Frequently Asked Questions

First of all, congratulations on taking time to reflect and think deeply before jumping into a psychedelic experience. It’s a big step and deserves to be treated with care.

This program is an ideal first step into psychedelic medicine. You will have full support and 1:1 attention throughout the whole process.

Absolutely. If you already have some skill navigating the psychedelic-medicine space, personal psychedelic coaching offers an opportunity to go deeper, see things you may have missed, and explore aspects of yourself you may have been unconsciously avoiding.

This coaching program incorporates the latest research from multiple disciplines, including flow states, trauma, holistic wellness, and the frontiers of personalized health. It will give you new perspectives, methodologies, and inspiration for your further exploration with psychedelic medicines.

More importantly, it will give you accountability to the insights you gain through medicine. Taking psychedelic medicine is the easy part.

Integration is 80 percent of the real work.

That’s where coaching can truly make a difference.

One way to think of the difference between the two is that a therapist helps to heal your past, while a coach helps to build your future.

This program is not appropriate for those who are interested in exploring psychedelic medicine for mental health, addiction, or healing trauma. If that is work that calls to you, please see our therapist directory for a list of therapists who integrate psychedelics into their work:

No, we do not provide psychedelic medicines or other illegal substances. Third Wave can only provide education and guidance.

We do, however, provide information on various options available on where psychedelic medicines can be legally acquired. This will vary depending on your local laws. We do not condone substance use where it is illegal.

We are not doctors and do not give medical advice. Your decision to inform a therapist is entirely up to you. That said, this program is not appropriate for those with mental health concerns like severe depression, PTSD, or addictions.

It depends on how much you want to invest in the process. There is about one hour of content per week, but this does not include any of the suggested supporting practices like journaling, yoga, mediation, etc. The more time you give to this program, the more you will get out of it.